Elliott Bits – Spur Up Hackamore


The balance on this hackamore is what sets it apart.
It has a little more weight on the shank than most hackamores and a unique placement of the chin strap.
The correspondence between the nose band and the chin strap gives this hackamore a lot of feel
and helps balance the horse’s head. This is achieved by encouraging the horse to bring its nose back to your hands, but allowing the horse to slightly elevate the front end and push forward through the poll.
The ???? ?? ????????? will help lift the wither, which in turn helps the shoulder to elevate. This
helps give the lateral bend that is needed throughout the run.
The unique design encourages the horse to bring its hind end up underneath them and sets the horse up for a powerful stop.
Because of this, when they are stopped properly, it softens the shoulders, loading the horse’s hind end, which in turn creates a suppleness in their shoulders.

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