Saddle Pad Pricing


100 % wool blend
Available in thicknesses  ½”, ¾” & 1”
Pad lengths 28”, 30” & 32”
Plain Jane prices starting at $165.00
Accent Strips and corners starting at $210.00

Example of a Compound Saddle Pad


100% virgin wool (fine fiber)
Available in thicknesses  ¾” & 1”
Pad lengths 28”, 30” & 32”
Plain Jane prices starting at $260.00
Accent Strips and corners starting at $290.00

Fusion Felt

100% layered wool
Available in thicknesses  ¾”, 7/8” & 1”
Pad lengths 28”, 30” & 32”
Plain Jane prices starting at $240.00
Accent Strips and corners starting at $270.00

Example of a Fusion Felt Saddle Pad
Example of an Element Saddle Pad


100% virgin wool (coarse fiber)
Available in thicknesses ¾” & 1”
Pad lengths 28”, 30” & 32”
Plain Jane prices starting at $245.00
Accent Strips and corners starting at $275.00

Next 2 Nothing

Extra dense 100 % wool
Available in thicknesses 1/2” & 5/8″
Pad lengths 28”, 30” & 32”
Plain Jane prices starting at $230
Accent Strips and corners starting at $265

Example of a Fusion Felt Saddle Pad

Add 100% Wool Fleece to Any Saddle Pad – $50

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